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Participating Societies

American Bryological and Lichenological Society (ABLS)
American Fern Society (AFS)
American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT)
Botanical Society of America (BSA)
International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)

Program for: Botanical Society of America

Special Presentation

  ·  Address of the BSA President-Elect
  ·  Annals of Botany Lecture
  ·  Enhancing Scientist Diversity in Plant Biology Luncheon
  ·  Plenary Address


  ·  Conference Wide

Recent Topics Poster

  ·  Recent Topics Posters


  ·  Banquets
  ·  Breakfasts
  ·  Discussion Sessions
  ·  Field Trips
  ·  Luncheons
  ·  Meetings
  ·  Mixers
  ·  Receptions

Member Sections/Societies

  ·   BSA-wide
  ·  Bryological and Lichenological Section
  ·  Developmental and Structural Section
  ·  Ecological Section
  ·  Economic Botany Section
  ·  Genetics Section
  ·  Historical Section
  ·  Mycological Section
  ·  Paleobotanical Section
  ·  Phycological Section
  ·  Physiological Section
  ·  Phytochemical Section
  ·  Pteridological Section/AFS
  ·  Systematics Section / ASPT
  ·  Teaching Section
  ·  Tropical Biology Section


  ·  Biogeography
  ·  Conservation Biology
  ·  Ecophysiology
  ·  Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo)
  ·  Gene Structure and Function
  ·  Genomics / Proteomics
  ·  Hybrids and Hybridization
  ·  Molecular Biology
  ·  Molecular Ecology and Evolution
  ·  Phylogenomics
  ·  Pollination Biology
  ·  Population Genetics
  ·  Stress Tolerance
  ·  Symbioses: Plant, Animal, and Microbe Interactions

Symposium or Colloquium Presentation

  ·  Bioinformatic and Biometric Methods in Plant Morphology
  ·  Broadening Participation - Recruiting and Retaining Outstanding Scientists in the Botanical Science
  ·  Colloquium: Speaking of Food: connecting basic and applied science
  ·  Diversity and Development in the Vitaceae - More than Wine Grapes
  ·  Frontiers in fern gametophyte research
  ·  Greater Caribbean Biodiversity and its Eco-physiology: Sustainability or degradation in next 50 years?
  ·  Herbarium Digitization for Research, Teaching, and the Public
  ·  Public Participation in Scientific Research:Emerging Resources for Botany
  ·  Species tree reconstruction in polyploid complexes
  ·  Symposium: Speaking of Food: connecting basic and applied science
  ·  The Critical Role of Plant Fossils in Divergence Dating Studies
  ·  The Devonian Period: a time of major plant diversification: a symposium in honor of Patricia G. Gensel and her contributions to Devonian paleobotany.
  ·  The evolutionary causes and consequences of dioecy across the land plants
  ·  The North American Coastal Plain: a Global Biodiversity Hotspot
  ·  Themes of land plant evolution, a celebration of the contributions of Leo J. Hickey
  ·  Yes, Bobby, evolution is real!

Presentations for Society\Section: Botanical Society of America

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